Would you like to know more about the technology
Surf Days is an inflatable Surf Station wich makes Surf Feeling accessable for almost anyone.
It`s a Pop-Up Solution creating value when you need it. You can store our System in a 20ft. Container easily.
We create fun to watersports enthusiasts to catch a wave right in the center of a city. Also beginner or spontaneous walk bye clients experience the feeling, what it means to surf.
In slots lasting 30 minutes a maximum of 5 participants share the machine one after each other. Everybody can ask the coach and get valuable hints "how to". The Surf-Days are for everyone.
The installation requires ground space by 7x13,5 meter (pool) with a singular water filling of 40 cbm. The pumps require 3 x CEE plugs each 32 ampere.
#backyardsurf #stationarysurf #wavesimulator #wavemaker #surfmachine #waverental #popupwave
The system of an "swimming inflated wave" and its realization is protected by a registered design.
Also the hydrodynamic construction of the diffusor and further rights are internationally patented.
Brand Guides Markenberatung [ .] GmbH & Co.KG
Steilshooper Strasse 112
22305 Hamburg Germany
Phone +49 (0) 40 54 80 23 0
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