Surf-Days Operating System

1.                  Operational handbooks / safety manuals


·       The Base for anything to show „what we are“ and „that it is safe


o   no building“ TUEV Süd proofs this (attached email)


o   Certification as a toy: „21-037 Surfwelle_abnahme – Kopie


·       Allianz insurance validation „how to keep it safe“: „Gefahrenanlayse“ – this is a process of utilization based table wich lists all potential risks and advices how to avoid them


·       The certificate tells to do an annual check / check after each setup:Surf-Days_Safety_Audit“ and certify that the setup is in line with the certificate: This can be done


o   by the manufacturer (Brand Guides when coaching the set upon site) or


o   any other safety officer


o   video call with an expert familiar with the Surf-Days Safety Audit




2.                  Installation process (timeframe, checklist of what will be need on-site)


·       All necessary parts are listet and shown in „Brand_Guides_Surf-Days_Installationsmanual


·       All required tools (Inbus M6/M8, wrench nut 17/24/30), water pump plier, zip cable ties, cutting pliers, cutter) are with the delivery! Bale lifter can replace stacker on site and can be ordered as accesory


·       For set up 5 people are needed only manual labour – no crane etc. if bale lifter is ordered; other wise stacker to unload and place the pumps  


·       The setup needs 1 day starting 8 am. in the morning and will end (if power and filling speed are adequate). For lunch break water wiling can be startet and depending on the water flow capacity at around 4 pm. Pumps can be tested. The crew should at least surf for 1 hour (fuse capacity check AND fun)




3.                  The training process—key requirements.


·       The following day (to avoid pressure on the installation process) Training with the crew shall take place. You should have 1 person responsable fort he technical supervision/day check (see safety manuals) + instructors „just“ taking care on the guests.


o   the technical supervision guy fort he daily checks


§  Check List „Tagesinspektion_Surf-Days“: Report maior issues + fix minor things


§  If treatment system is used: „Water_treatment


o   Surf-instructors


§  train_the_trainer_unterweisung“ : How to use the Board / Surf-Machine


§  verantwortung_schichtleiter“: Maintainance (Air Pressure, boardswaxing)


§  Legal disclaimer (sample – NO legal counselling!)




Enjoy the magic of surfing!



all documents you can download here:

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